evoke to provoke

on the screen - on the stage - on the page

The exciting challenge facing all strategists and creators in the Ad Industry: evoke to provoke.

Are you an individual entrepreneur or a company that offers a product or service that carries the hallmark of excellence and integrity? It is with you that we look to build a mutually rewarding business relationship. Whether it is B2C or B2B, we conceptualize and style your message to evoke the emotions within your Target Audience that provokes the desired action. We do so within the bounds of relevance to your core message and your brand identity.

Whether it is to try out an exciting new product or service; build loyalty during a competitor’s heightened market activity; brand or re-brand; or simply drive immediate sales, we create cohesive campaigns that engage your Target Audience so they develop a lasting emotional bond with your brand image.

However, before the creative process even begins, there’s foundational business that we take care of: we study your CLIENT BRIEF and all available research and data “till we grok it in our gut’'. Then we strategize an AD PLAN that lays the foundation to create material that is both evocative and provocative - on the screen, on the air, on the stage and on the page.

The information we need from you in the CLIENT BRIEF and what you can expect from FZF in our strategically-driven AD PLAN are both discussed with you during the FREE 30-minute consultation: request your FREE consultation via the contact form on the SERVICES page. Please be advised that the FREE consultation offered to those seeking Speech Coaching, as well as those seeking Advertising Services serves as a needs assessment of the client and an opportunity for clients to learn first hand what to expect from partnering with FZF: it is NOT Speech Coaching nor Advertising Strategy (both of which are fee based services). However, clients gain valuable insights from the FREE consultation.